Endocrinology & Diabetes: Physiology, Metabolism and Regulation

Endocrinology is a perplexing investigation of the different hormones and their activities and disarranges in the body. Endocrine Glands are organs that make hormones. These are substances that control exercises in the body and effectively affect the digestion system, multiplication, nourishment retention and use, development and improvement and so on. Hormones likewise control the way a living being reacts to their environment and help by giving sufficient vitality to different capacities. Diabetes is brought about by diminished creation of insulin or by diminished capacity to utilize insulin. Insulin, the hormone delivered by the beta cells in the pancreas, permits cells to have the capacity to utilize glucose. The chemical reactions of metabolism are organized into metabolic pathways, in which one chemical is transformed through a series of steps into another chemical, by a sequence of enzymes


  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates
  • Molecules
  • Physiology
  • Hormones
  • Fats

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